This school is authorized under Federal Law to enroll nonimmigrant students.
The United States receives foreign citizens who come to study in the United States. Before applying for a student visa, all visa applicants must be accepted and approved by this academic institution.

Requirements to apply
1. Valid Passport
2. High School Diploma or equivalent
3. Minimum age: 16 years old
How to Apply
- Complete the I-20 (M-1) application
- Send us copies of your passport, high school diploma or equivalent and birth certificate.
- Choose the program of study:
- Cosmetology - 1200 Hours
- Barber - 1200 Hours
- Full Specialist (Skin Care & Nail Technology) - 600 Hours
- Advanced Makeup - 600 Hours
- Skin Care - 260 Hours
- Nail Technology - 240 Hours
- Send the required deposit, according to program chosen.